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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Check before you Invest in Sentosa Cove Properties in Singapore?

Check before you Invest in Sentosa Cove Properties in Singapore?


Sentosa Cove in Singapore was mooted as an idea and developed on an island resort and tourist destination in Singapore. Somewhere around 2003 to 2004, there was a realization in Singapore that we need to keep pace with the world's premium properties by offering super high net worth the luxury lifestyle that they have become so used to, such as in Monaco, Dubai and elsewhere. Many rich people from the western hemisphere prefer Sun and sea and a yachting lifestyle. So in 2004 onwards, the Singapore government re-zoned Sentosa to carve out a piece of land in the Eastern tip of Sentosa Island and created Sentosa Cove.

take a walk here to see luxury properties without setting foot into sentosa, which by the way is quite restricted, you cannot simply just walk in.

Leave us a message if you are keen at:

or leave the mortgage consultants a message, they can help you sort out the financing of the said properties.

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