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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Master Lynn Yap predictions for Year of rabbit 2011

With permission from Property Buyer mortgage consultants

Once again, we at are honoured to receive Master Lynn Yap’s Feng Shui Prediction. In life, there’s economics, there’s finance, there’s statistics and there’s fate.

All these don’t always explain every phenomenon. Therefore Feng Shui (the harmonious way of natural living) plays an important part in helping to make sense of the complex world.

In the year of the Tiger, Master Lynn has given many predictions and most have come true. These included the drop of the US dollar, the rise of the price of gold, numerous calamities as well as political calamities. For those who wanted to check, you can review last year’s prediction.

Here is the prediction for 2011 year of the rabbit for property buyers, investors as well as general public.

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