Singapore Citizens + PR + Expats (employment passes) + Working Permit
Singapore Citizens + PR
As you can see, there are only about 3.2m Singaporeans and the annual
growth rate last year was 1%. Most of this 1% growth, I would attribute it to
new births, with maybe a 20% of this 1%, or 0.2% coming from PR
converting to become Singapore Citizens.
The growth rate of Singapore citizens have been fairly stable at a low rate of
Last year, there were 4.8m of total population, a 5.5% growth rate over the
previous year.
By looking at the chart, you will see that years 1987 and 2003, total
population growth (In BLUE) was negative.

In 1987, the total population drop reflects the exodus of working permit
holders and Expats on employment passes. Singaporeans and PR growth
slowed, but still in the positive ~1.5% range.
In 2003, the total population drops, coupled with a drop of Singaporeans and
PR. Most Citizens usually stay put in Singapore. In 2003, it is suspected that
even PRs are leaving Singapore in droves coupled with Expats and working
permit holders leaving.
I think it is important because from a historical standpoint, Foreigners who
come to our shores to work do not have strong emotional attachments to this
land. Many come for work or follow their spouses here. In the scenario of
reduction in jobs, many expats will be the 1st to leave the country. If they
leave, it represents an immediate vacation of the properties they used to
From the data, it shows that PR while more likely to stay in Singapore are
not immune to leaving when push comes to shove.
1.2m of the population are foreign, that means 1 in 4 person on the street is
From a Property Demand stand-point, this is significant because we are
talking about a Foreign population of 1.2m people of which an estimated
400,000 are expats, some 800,000 are workers or various types.
For expats, if we assume 2 person per household, we are talking about
200,000 units in housing demand.
For the rest 800,000, an estimated 400,000 are domestic helpers (who
stayed with their employers), while the rest are lower educated workers
working factories, service outlets, etc.
These 400,000, assuming 3 person per household, will take up 133,333
units of housing, or in the form of room rentals (1 per room), HDB rentals,
lower end condominiums shared amongst several person.
Our Private property housing has been built with a view to catering to foreign
demand. The growth in Supply of housing has exceeded the 1.5% growth
rate of Singapore citizens and Singapore PRs in the past few years.
Therefore this makes the entire property market more volatile and
susceptible to price movements with the IN and OUT flow of foreign
population in Singapore.
MOST SINGAPOREANS OWN (Mortgage) their homes
Most Singaporeans own their homes. So the rental market is largely catered
to migrant and expat population. Sudden IN flows of foreign population
forces the Rental rates to go UP and an exodus leads to rental rates to go
Rental has a BIG and very direct correlation to the property prices, therefore
POPULATION SWINGS in the forms of Expats COMING and LEAVING the
country will subject first our rental prices to swing, followed closely by
property prices.
IN 2009???
In 2009, the total population has run up a lot while Singapore Citizens and
PRs have only grown at 1+%. Given that the foreign population in Singapore
now numbers 1.2 million, any exodus will immediately impact the rental
market as it is assumed that very few expats own the properties which they
stayed in and the rental market will impact the property prices.

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