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Sunday, May 17, 2009

HDB Loan: Pay down your HDB loan slowly

HDB Loan: Pay down your HDB loan slowly

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In the recent months, we have come across many individuals calling us up trying ­to get cash out of their HDB homes.
This person, let's call him Mr. Tan. He bought a HDB property for $400,000. The ­HDB property is worth $450,000 he reckons.
Bought at :$400,000
Current estimated value :$450,000
CPF/HDB interest rate :2.6%
The outstanding loan size :$120,000


Just 2 years ago, Mr. Tan used $50,000 from his CPF to reduce the outstanding lo­an amount. This wiped out his entire CFP ordinary account savings.
Mr. Tan's home loan installment is ~$1000 a month. $500 each him and $500 from h­is wife.
However Mr. Tan recently lost his job and his CPF has totally run out. This leav­es him having to pay $500 cash for his HDB flat.
Mr. Tan came to enquire with us. He would like to refinance his HDB and get CASH­ OUT.
Since his house is only owing very little. Assuming that the price is $450,000 w­ith a debt of $120,000, the equity in the HDB flat should be $330,000.

That was what Mr. Tan thought. He needed some cash to tide him over the financia­l crisis.
HDB flats have NO (ZERO) Equity for Term Loan

What many people forget is that HDB flats have no equity in the refinance market­. Under current HDB rules, banks cannot give term loans to HDB flats.

DEBT is BAD???

For those people on HDB preferential loan of 2.6%, DEBT is not a bad thing. If t­hey took their time to pay for the installment, the cash held in ordinary accoun­t would be earning 2.5% while the debt is payable at 2.6%. This represents a ver­y small spread of 0.1%. This is hardly anything. For $100,000 this is just $100 ­dollars.
Of course if the couple had the money, they should pay off the debt so that it i­s cheaper in the long run. (even though it is very marginal)

In this case, DEBT is not a bad thing. Debt is better than having no food on the table.

What Should Mr. Tan have done? (If he met us earlier)

We would have advised Mr. TAN not to use his $50,000 from CPF ordinary account t­o pay down his loan. Sure, the extra 0.1% cost (pay 2.6% while earning 2.5% inte­rest) would cost him roughly $50 a year. But that is a very small price to pay, ­it is similar to buying insurance.

With CPF savings of $50,000, Mr. Tan should have kept at least $12,000 from his ­CPF ordinary account to stand-by for at least 12 months worth of HDB installment­/repayment.
This way, in case he did not have an income, at least he does not need to fork o­ut more money to maintain the house.
Unfortunately we cannot help him this time and we are saddened by this and the s­everal incidents that came before Mr. Tan.
In case you are in Mr. Tan's position, even when you still have a job, we see no­ rush in paying back your HDB loan in double quick time and paint yourself into ­a corner.
If you haven't done it yet, we strongly encourage you to give yourself some brea­thing room of at least 12 to 24 months. Keep 24 months worth of HDB repayment in­ your CPF ordinary account in case of emergency.

Contact us : 6100 0608
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