Courtesy of www.PropertyBUYER.com.sg
Singapore Interbank Borrowing Rate is commonly referred to as SIBOR.
Sibor is traded amongst banks at the Association of
Banks Singapore (ABS)
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The Singapore economy is still hurting, however the absolute worst may be over.
Given that the economy has stabilized, the Sibor and SOR tends to stay low
in a weak economy.
Reduced Risk of Major melt down.
So in short, the major risks of credit crisis or financial meltdown is much
reduced. Sibor and SOR should not hike due to panic.
Risk of Inflation
Each medicine comes at a price. The price is a hang-over or side-effects lasting
several years.
Obama's massive fiscal stimulus and that of many countries are going to hit
the fan soon.
Is the USA printing money
You cannot create something out of nothing. What the USA did by pumping
the economy is similar to creating 1+ Trillion dollars out of thin air.
The only reason why it is not a PURE "PRINTING money" exercise is
because the "Printing" is financed through debt.
The extra + 1 Trillion is created, but debt is created to finance it, so there is
minus - 1 Trillion. So +1 trillion - 1 trillion in debt = 0 (not printing).
But when you add 1 trillion to a 14 trillion dollars economy, that is something
like 7% of US GDP. Surely after some of the deflationary pressures are
sorted out, if the US do not pull this money out, a serious inflation may
So far, the US government have reiterated that they have plans in place to suck up the
excess liquidity. We think that would be tough. Take it away too soon, economy falls
back into recession.
SOR and SIBOR is quite directly affected by US Fed funds rates and policies.
If the US suffers from inflation, the world's economy may suffer as well. And
Sibor and SOR may shoot up too. We cannot rule out this possibility.
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